Why is the cedar tree found only in hilly areas? Why doesn't the cedar tree grow i…
For what reasons was Chakor chosen as the national bird of Pakistan? Why is the number…
What is a jamun plant like? What are the favorable conditions for the growth of the ja…
Why do deserts get hot early in the day and cold early at night? What is the quality o…
How importantly does the Indus River play in the lifeline of Pakistan? Lifeline Pakist…
What is chicken neck on the map of India? How is chicken neck a threat to India on map…
Why do people living in villages in Pakistan rear goats? How profitable is the goat bu…
How was the second largest place of salt discovered in Pakistan? Does Pakistan use sal…
How and why do thorny shrubs grow in the desert? How does a desert ship camel eat thor…
Why does a man swim in the Dead Sea? The reason for salt excess in Dead Sea? Is Dead S…
Small countries are developed in terms of area, but how is a big country like China de…
Chinese people eat everything except chairs and tables." Does China's custom …
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